Friday, October 15, 2021

Calvinism and the “Sovereignty of God”


Calvinists like to keep harping on about the “sovereignty of God,” as if they were the only ones who believed in the “sovereignty of God,” and nobody else did! The truth is that they are the ones who actually deny the sovereignty of God.

The real question is not whether God is “sovereign” or not. Nobody denies that he is. He couldn’t be called “God” if he wasn’t. The idea of “sovereignty” is inbuilt in the concept of “God” by definition. Arguing in favor of the “sovereignty of God” is a tautology. You wouldn’t need to, unless you had a hidden agenda.

The real question is not whether God is “sovereign” or not, but whether he is sovereign enough to be able to grant mankind complete libertarian freewill, and still remain fully sovereign at the same time. The Bible says Yes, Calvinism says No! Therefore it is Calvinism that in reality denies the sovereignty of God. Calvinists know this, so they try to get round it by constantly harping on about the “sovereignty” of God, as if they were the only ones who believed in the sovereignty of God, and nobody else ever did!

Calvinism is built on the complete predestination and predetermination of all future events, including all the supposedly “freewill” choices and decisions of man—which reduces mankind into mere robots, and turns God into a puppet-master pulling all the strings behind the scene—and thus at the same time making God responsible for all the wickedness and evil in the world. That is the only way that God can be “sovereign” according to Calvinism—which is heretical and false, and not biblical.

The Bible has a much broader, complete, meaningful, and comprehensive definition of the “sovereignty” of God. According to the Bible, God is powerful enough; omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent enough; to be able to grant mankind complete libertarian freewill, and still remain 100% sovereign at the same time—but not so according to Calvinism! The God of Calvinism is so weak, so feeble, incompetent, and incapable, that the only way that he could be “sovereign” would be by depriving mankind of every ounce of freewill, and becoming a puppet-master pulling all the strings behind the scene.

So the conclusion is that it is Calvinism which denies, limits, and circumscribes the sovereignty of God more than anything else.

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