Tuesday, January 24, 2023

More on the “15-minute City” Tyranny Agenda!


This one is so pertinent and alarming that I changed my mind, and decided to give it prominence by displaying it in a new blog post; here is the transcript:


“Introduced it in the 1980s, it is a bit weird to see it introduced in Oxford.”

Lois Perry:

“Welcome to dystopia; all our cities will probably end up now being broken up into precincts, like sci-fi films that were made predicting a dystopian future. You can’t even travel into your next couple of roads now; and there is going to be fines if you leave your area, or your 15-minute Zone, more than twice a week. Imagine how many people that is going to disenfranchise. Imagine women with small children, who have been forced to go out in the rain in the snow to the supermarket, because it is just outside of their ‘zone’. It is absolutely terrifying. And I tell you what, when we are forced (or a few of us, because most of us won’t be able to afford it) into electric vehicles, those electric vehicles won’t even go past the border; they will be programmed so they don’t. So you won’t even be able to get the fine. It is terrifying, Mark, it really is.”


“Well, you don’t even have to wait for the electric vehicle. I took a rental car from Budapest to drive into Ukraine a few months ago, and the car has been programmed in order to prevent me driving it into the war-zone. The car had been programmed to die at the border. I couldn’t figure out what had happened. It just stopped. And as I think I said on this show back then, if you think that is just going to be applied to Ukraine, no no no, it is going to be applied to Billingsgate, and Birmingham, and Ballymena; and in fact, I think Joe Biden has just made it mandatory that all American cars have to have a kill-switch in them by 2026. So there is actually now a governmental war on freedom of movement.”

Lois Perry:

“Freedom of movement: we talked before about ‘You will own nothing, and you will be happy’. Well, ‘You will go nowhere, and you will be happy’. I mean, how are people supposed to get to work? Or maybe that is the idea, we don’t need to go to work, because we can sit at home staring at the screen, work from home; everyone got used to that during the COVID test-bed, for all of these insane totalitarian policies. This is England. And you know, we have had the big globalist coup that has just happened; we have had Rishi Sunak placed in, our ‘dear leader’. And now we have been broken up into precincts. It is all … obviously what you said before was very prophetic, about your experience with the rental car. It is happening now; it is happening a lot quicker than everybody thought it was. And the whole 2030 vehicle ban on ICE vehicles—I can completely see what it is about now.”

Any subsequent videos I find on the same subject I will link it below, starting with these ones:



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