I found the above sermon by Voddie Baucham preached at the G3 Ministries National Conference held in November 2023. The general theme of the conference apparently is the “sovereignty of God;” and his particular speaking assignment is to talk about the “sovereignty of God and the sanctity of marriage”—which is a strange kind of assignment, because those are two separate subjects, and it is difficult to talk about both in the same context—which explains why he is having a hard time combining them together; or preaching about both at the same time. He solves the problem by trying to portray the current “sexual revolution,” and the attempt at dismantling the traditional Christian sexual and moral ethics, and the sanctity of marriage etc., as a “war against the sovereignty of God”. After the initial introductory remarks, at 1:03 minutes into the video he begins his sermon as follows:
“Well, couple of things: my assignment today is to address ‘the sovereignty of God, and the sanctity of marriage’ … If I had to title this message, it would be not ‘the sovereignty of God, and the sanctity of marriage;’ but ‘the sexual revolution as a war against the sovereignty of God;’ … and particularly, ‘a war against the sovereignty of God and the sanctity of marriage’. And what I want to do is, I want to look at a couple of passages of scripture. I want us to start in Genesis, and then we are going to go to Romans 1; and we are going to look at Romans 1 in light of what God has done, what the sovereign God of the universe has done in creation, as it relates to man and woman, and marriage and family.”
Then skipping down to 24:28 minutes into the video, he develops his theological perspective as follows:
“The sexual revolution as a war against the sovereignty of God begins with a war against God as creator; because if God is creator, then God is sovereign; if God is creator, he has the right to rule his creation. So if you are going to go to war against something that God has made, God has designed, and God has given; the first thing that you have to do is, you have to somehow negate God’s right to rule, in whatever sphere it is that you are trying to rebel; and that is where we begin—not with disagreements about whether or not the text truly says what we think that the text says. We may start off with that, but at the end of the day where we are going is—there is no God—not just, ‘God has not said;’ but, ‘There is no God to even say.’”
The problem with that theological analysis of the subject is that it does not square with his own Calvinistic understanding of the “sovereignty” of God; because according to his theology, “sovereignty” means that God has meticulously predestined and predetermined everything that comes to pass—including all the thoughts, desires, motivations, intentions, aspirations, and actions of man (good or bad). So if there is a “war” currently going on against the “sanctity of marriage,” or against the “marriage and the family” etc.; it is because God has predestined, predetermined, decreed, and foreordained it to happen—according to his own Calvinistic and Reformed theological thinking. God is directly responsible for it happening. So it looks like in reality, he is the one who is “fighting against the sovereignty of God;” because he is going against that which God has decreed, predestined, predetermined, foreordained, and caused to happen! He is warring against “something that God has made, God has designed, and God has given,” to borrow his own phraseology! LOL! Calvinism is the biggest theological joke on the planet. Do these guys really not see how ridiculously absurd, meaningless, and nonsensical their own theological position is; or are they deliberately trying to hide it?
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