Friday, December 23, 2022

More on Dutch Farmers and Globalist Agenda!


In the first video from Fox News, Tucker Carlson interviews Eva Vlaardingerbroek, a Dutch legal expert, on Dutch farmer protests, and the Dutch government’s real agenda behind what is happening there. In the second video from Sky News, it takes it one step further, and looks at the globalist agenda that lies behind it all. Of course, there is lots more information about all of this on the Internet than can be fitted into one blog post. An Internet search using the right search terms will provide much more information, such as seen here and here.

The globalists in the West want to destroy the economies, as well as the national identities of Western nations in order to create a totalitarian system that rules over them all—and they are on course to achieving their goals. Illegal immigration in the UK (and in Europe) is running out of control; and inflation, fuel shortages, and rapidly escalating energy costs etc. are destroying the economies of the UK and the rest of western Europe—and it is all being deliberately caused. Global warming, climate change, CO2, Vladimir Putin, and the war in Ukraine etc. have nothing to do with it. Those are being used as excuses by the globalists to achieve their goals. It is a good thing that a lot of people have now become aware of this, and are raising other people’s awareness of it. But whether it will gather enough momentum to actually put an end to it before it is too late remains to be seen. I am personally not too optimistic.

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