Friday, March 31, 2023

More on Gender Transition Taught in Schools


The above image is of a front-page article published in the British newspaper the Daily Mail yesterday (March 30, 2023). The text of the article can be read on their website here. The following image is of another front-page article published the same day in The Times, which is probably the most prestigious daily newspaper published in the UK, expressing the same kind of concern (click to enlarge):

And it looks like the same thing is also being reported in the US. There are several similar newspaper reports published in the US, indicating the same thing happening there, such as in the New York Times, New York Post, The Atlantic, and Fox News. Looks like the West is going crazy. Parents have infinitely more rights over their kids, what they are taught, and what happens to them than schools do. And I only know English, so I don’t know to what extent the same kind of thing is happening in the rest of Europe. I know in Russia all kinds of LGBTQ propaganda has been banned. But about the rest of Europe I couldn’t tell. I doubt that the rest of the world is going to go along with it. This kind of thing is happening mainly in the collective West, as far as I can tell.

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