Friday, May 5, 2023

David Warning LDS Against Pastor Jeff!


I just noticed this recent video by David Alexander, warning Latter-day Saints not to watch too many videos by Jeff McCullough, of Hello Saints channel @HelloSaints, because he is out to convert them! And they run the risk of getting converted, if they are not careful, because he is a nice guy, and does it in a nice and friendly way! 😊 My answer to that is, that I have no objections to Jeff McCullough (or anybody else) trying to convert me—especially if they try to do it in a nice and friendly way! I am certainly out to convert them—if I can—in a nice and friendly way! And they have the right to expect the same response from me. Why should I expect them to respond favorably to my attempt to convert them (in a nice and friendly way!), if I am not willing to extend the same courtesy to them? If I am scared of getting converted by them, that means that I am not secure in my own convictions, and therefore I deserve to be converted! So my short answer to David Alexander is that I have no objections whatsoever to Jeff McCullough (or anyone else) attempting to convert me—provided that they are willing to extend the same courtesy to me—and especially if they try to do it in a nice and friendly way! There is an element of reciprocity involved in the act and process of converting others. I have no right to expect others to grant me the privilege of preaching the message of the restored gospel to and converting them, if I am not willing to extend the same courtesy and privilege to them. That is how the process works.

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